Patient Registration Form or section in A2C (Not related to patient portal)
Is there a way to have a digital form or tab in A2C that we can use to record new patient details? We currently use a paper intake form because there is no place to put that information in A2C in a way that makes sense while we are on the phone with the patient. Some of the information is available when creating a new client, and we would love to have additional places for the info. If we could have it available in a format that we can adjust the questions and order so that it flows well for the staff while speaking with the patients. It would also need to have a section for notes and the ability to create a to do task from it.
This would help us to reduce the amount of double entry and recording of information and help our staff to coordinate better and be more efficient. Our staff have been asking about it and management has been wanting to make their work more collaborative and accessible vs. being on paper.
We would also want a way to track the progress of the intake, e.g. Incomplete, not scheduled, scheduled, complete, etc. A report or dashboard would be helpful so we could see what the status is.