Patient Status Tracking and Plan of Care Compliance Dashboard
Could A2C develop a Patient Tracking Dashboard that would give the front desk and management a single place to effectively manage all the patient cases. We are struggling to keep track of all of the coordination of all the information we need to keep up on and make decision on. Currently we have to run a variety of repots and handle each type of information separately, and we often have to print the reports out to work them. This leads to stale information and is very time consuming.
There is good functionality in various areas of A2C including the tabular reports and PT Charge entry screen (dashboard) that we would like to see in this Patient Status Tracking.
For example, the dashboard could show each patient name and columns for:
Case Number
Case Type
Referral Date
First Visit Date
Evaluating PT
Case PT
Case Status (Active, On Hold, Discharged)
Current Plan of Care Start Date
Current Plan of Care End Date (in Red if expired)
Plan of Care description
Plan of Care Visits
Plan of Care Visits Remaining (in Red if over POC)
Current Authorization Start Date
Current Authorization End Date (in Red if expired)
Authorization Description
Authorization Visits
Authorized Visits Remaining (in Red if over authorization)
Plan of Care compared vs Scheduled Visits for last week (In red if non compliant)
Plan of Care compared vs Scheduled Visits for Current week (In red if non compliant)
Plan of Care compared vs Scheduled Visits for Next week (In red if non compliant)
Plan of Care compared vs Scheduled Visits for Week After (In red if non compliant)
Future Visits (In red if zero)
Future Visit Number (In red if zero)
Next Visit Date
Last Visit Date
Total Visit Count
Next Progress Note Date Required
Next MD Visit
Discharge Date
Discharge Reason
Scheduling Note (New note field option available in various portions of the account that would allow for better coordination with scheduling)
KX Status
The ability to sort this information by column, or filter by a number of options, e.g. "compliant" or "out of compliance", or "will be out of compliance in ___ days", Active, Inactive, Discharged, etc.
The ability to filter the information and only see patients who meet specific criteria such as "compliant" or "out of compliance", or "will be out of compliance in ___ days". The ability to add multiple filters.
In the future it would also be helpful to have the following information included in the spreadsheet.
% Better at Discharge
% of Goals Met
Whether or not the patient was present at discharge
Client Satisfaction Score
We want to be able to see every patient in our database pull up and be able to be filtered based on what we are using the report for.
A2C does not offer an easy way to see client POC compliance and then easily know the status and act on that information. If we miss 1 to 3 visits per patient case due to not being able to track it well and keep up with the individual plans of care and have good positive control over the scheduling, it can be the difference of hundreds of thousands of lost revenue in one year.
When we have holes on our schedule it is money that we will never get back because the time is gone and even if they extend their plan of care by the extra 1 to 3 visits to make up for it and get their full plan of care in, it is still a loss because they are then displacing other new patients that could have gotten in, that cannot now because that patient's visits were not completed in the week that they were supposed to be completed. I know this sounds dramatic, but it has come to our attention as our # 1 vulnerability and Financial Concern. It is costing us both the lost revenue on one side and we are wasting marketing money on the other side of things by having to market to so many more patients to try to keep the schedules full when we could keep them more full already by just seeing our patients for their full POC in a tight and timely manner.
Having this functionality would skyrocket our front desk efficiency and contribute significantly to our solvency and the solvency of other clinics who use it.