Cancellation or Delete Appointment Note Box
When we cancel appointments or delete them there are often pieces of information that would be really helpful to attach to those cancelled/deleted visits that we cannot otherwise attach. We can put standard reasons for Cancel, but sometimes more detail is needed than just the dropdown options (which we update whenever absolutely needed), and the Delete appointments option has no dropdown of reasons at all.
We would love a short comment or notes section when cancelling so we can provide a brief explanation such as.
E.g. Doctor cancelled visits, will be on bed rest for 2 weeks and can resume after
E.g. Therapist out ill, offered other PT, but client declined.
E.g. Mother mixed up appointment times, couldn't come at this time.
E.g. Patient says they broke their arm, this is the 2nd time they have used this reason but refuse to put care on hold until they can confirm they are able to come in. If this happens again please cancel all visits until further notice.
These extra pieces of information help us all know what is going on and help us manage the schedules better.
It would be really helpful to have a "scheduling note" available throughout a client's case, we are currently using the case note, and that is ok, but some get very long and scheduling items get lost in it.
The info from the cancel would be helpful to be attached to the visit as well as being recorded in either the case note or if future capability is added for a "Schedule Note" then adding it t here as well would be extremely helpful.